If You are Charged with Domestic Violence, an Experienced DV Defense Lawyer May be Able to Keep it Off Your Record
The Police take domestic violence and domestic abuse calls very seriously, and an incident can result in both criminal charges and a protective order against you. If you have been charged with domestic violence or domestic assault, you may be facing jail time, fines, a criminal record, and the loss of parenting time or even termination of your parental rights. A lawyer who has experience with Domestic Violence and Domestic Assault cases can help you figure out the court system and what a DV charge can mean for you. Schmierlaw is also experienced with Domestic Violence Diversion Program, so you may be able to keep this off your record.
When the police are called for Domestic Violence or Domestic Assault almost anywhere in Michigan, an arrest almost always results. If you are accused of any physical contact, damage to property, or just making threats, that is enough for an arrest to be made and someone to be hauled off to jail. And after spending the night in the cell, you will face a Judge the next day.
The police will usually take the side of the person who called the police, regardless of what actually happened. And generally, it is also the man who will spend the night in jail. Often, you are considered guilty until you can prove you are innocent. Plus most domestic violence (DV) allegations are made when the parties are angry resulting in false accusations or exaggerations made in the heat of the moment.
What actually happened is often very different from what was said to the police when they responded to a Domestic Assault or any other family violence. happened, especially when drugs or alcohol are involved. And the police, Prosecutor's and Judges tend to believe the police report even if you know it is not true. Regardless of what actually did or didn’t happen, the police think it happened and that you are the one who started it. With all that is at stake, you will need the best possible domestic violence and domestic assault defense.
Whether it is representation in a legal matter or just some legal advice, Schmierlaw can help. We specialize in Criminal and Drunk Driving Defense and can help you with any sort of legal issue which may arise including Felonies or Misdemeanors, Drunk Driving, Traffic Tickets, Juvenile Offenses, or any other legal concern which you may have.
Law Office of James G. Schmier, PLLC
2222 Attard Street, Birmingham, Michigan 48009
Tel: (248) 705-3742 FAX: (248) 540-0044 Email: jschmier@schmierlaw.com